Iran News

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A helicopter in a convoy carrying the Iranian president has been involved in an accident, state media is reporting.


The head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, Kamal Kharrazi, said that Tehran would be forced to change its...


Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kenani stated that the country's BRICS membership officially started today and that they attach importance...


Iran has executed 4 people accused of spying for Israel's foreign intelligence service Mossad.


Dictator Iran reacted to the joint statement made after the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum on three islands in the Persian Gulf,...


An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of unknown origin attacked the base at Harab Jir Airport where the US forces are...


The US Central Command (CENTCOM)announced airstrikes against groups close to Iran in Syria.


The United States has announced new sanctions against Hamas, which it defines as a terrorist organization, in order to cut...


Elon Musk, the owner of the X social media platform, shared an ironic Iran post. In the image he shared...


In Iran, 1 person was killed and 4 people were injured in an explosion at Perend Thermal Power Plant in...


Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri posted on his social media account that the United Nations Council's ballistic missile embargo...


A 145-page report prepared by a Commission appointed by the US Congress examines in detail the threats and security challenges...