US News

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A menacing gray blanket has descended upon Central Waupaca County, Wisconsin. The relentless downpour, a relentless assault from the heavens,...


In the case of Jeffrey Epstein in the US, it was revealed that prosecutors knew about the abuse crimes in...


Friday's weather conditions in the Pittsburgh area will be comfortable, but more storms are coming.


According to a new report, the US is about 15 years behind China in nuclear energy.


Donald Trump, who won the Republican Party's presidential nomination race, said he would give green cards to foreign students graduating...


The US announced that it recognises the Sweden-based Scandinavian Resistance Movement as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist".


US President Joe Biden has signed a new decree aimed at cracking down on illegal crossings at the US-Mexico border.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that Ukraine will receive $2 billion in military funding in addition to existing aid...


Authorities in western Canada say about 3,500 people have been evacuated as an out-of-control fire threatens to destroy a town...


The consensus in the US is that the Fed will cut interest rates, but experts add that the timing of...


Washington, which tries to lecture the world on HUMAN RIGHTS and DEMOCRACY at every opportunity, detains American university students in...


The 92-year-old transportation company Arnold had 341 truck drivers and 402 power units. The company recently announced that it was...