Extremely hot weather, an overheated room or a thick duvet can be a simple cause of night sweats. The severity of night sweats that occur during sleep can vary from moderately common sweating to sweating that can reach a level that requires changing the bed sheets. Internal Medicine Specialist explained some diseases that can cause night sweats and gave important warnings.

If night sweats are accompanied by fever, bacterial and viral infections may be the cause.  Tuberculosis: Coughing, sputum production, fatigue and weight loss can be caused by tuberculosis, a bacterial infection.  Pneumonia: Especially if there is fever, green colored sputum, chills, shivering, shortness of breath and cough, it may be a sign of pneumonia.  Malaria, typhoid fever and ticks: The region of residence or travel is important for malaria, typhoid and tick-borne diseases (Lyme disease, etc.).  Covid-19: Night sweats can also be seen in Covid-19 infection. 

Brucella: Brucella, especially in people who have pets or work with animal products or consume raw milk or cheese made with unpasteurized milk, can cause night sweats. 

Heart valve infections: If there are changes in the skin and nails, such as rashes or bleeding under the nails, it may indicate endocarditis, i.e. heart valve infections. In addition, discoloration may also develop, especially on the palms and soles of the feet. 

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Editor: David Goodman