In the news published on Telegram, it was claimed that Putin's heart stopped in his residence and that the Russian leader was revived as a result of the rapid intervention of the doctors.
According to General SVR's claim, at around 9:05 p.m. on Sunday evening, secret service agents working at the residence entered Putin's room after hearing the sound of a fall. The agents found Putin on the floor and in convulsions, and the food on the table was overturned.
Seeing the situation, the agents immediately summoned the doctors at the residence, who allegedly stated that Putin had suffered a heart attack. According to General SVR's claim, the doctors restarted Putin's stopped heart with rapid intervention and the Russian leader was taken to a special room with medical equipment at the residence. After the intervention, Putin was said to be conscious.
The Russian President's condition is stable and he is under 24-hour medical supervision.
General SVR said that Putin's heart attack has seriously worried the Russian leader's inner circle, and that a meeting was held today on what to do in the event of Putin's death.
General SVR also claimed that Putin's "double" had attended his recent meetings.