According to FBI data for 2022, applications to police departments have dropped by 40% in the last 10 years. This decline is particularly pronounced among young people between the ages of 18-24.

Reasons why young people are becoming disenchanted with police work

There are many reasons why young people are disenchanted with police work. The most important of these are the following:

Excessive use of force by the police: In recent years there have been many incidents of excessive use of force by police officers, especially against black people. These incidents have undermined trust in the police force and led many young people to give up on the idea of becoming a police officer.
Police discrimination against black people: There is a widespread perception in the US that the police discriminate against black people. This leads to many young people not wanting to join the police force.

Low salaries and difficult working conditions: The low salaries of police officers compared to other professions and difficult working conditions also make police work unattractive.
Negative view of the police profession in society: The fact that police officers are not respected in society and that there is a negative view of the police profession alienates young people from this profession.

So, how can this crisis be solved?

Many things need to be done to regain trust in the police force and attract young people to the police profession. The most important of these are the following:

Investigations into excessive use of force and discrimination by the police should be carried out and the necessary penalties should be imposed.
Police officers should be better trained and made aware of human rights.
Police salaries and working conditions should be improved.
The public should have a positive view of police work.
If these steps are not taken, the policing crisis in the US will deepe