Speaking in the state parliament, Berlin Finance Minister Stefan Evers said they wanted to hand over a villa belonging to Hitler's propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. "I propose to everyone to take it over as a gift from the state of Berlin," Evers said.

"If we fail again, as we have in the past decades, Berlin will have no choice but to carry out the demolition we have already prepared," Evers said.

After the government failed in its attempts to sell the property, it fell into disrepair and the government refused to pay for the maintenance and security of the complex. The property is said to be riddled with problems caused by overgrown trees, moss-covered roofs and deteriorating walls.

2224728 1The demolition plan was also canceled after citizens reacted to the government's decision to demolish it.

Goebbels, one of Hitler's closest allies, had a luxury villa built in 1939 on a wooded property overlooking the Bogensee lake near the town of Wandlitz, about 40 kilometers north of Berlin.

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Editor: John Wickey