A very interesting event took place in Germany. It turned out that a 62-year-old person had been vaccinated against coronavirus 217 times despite all the advice of doctors to the contrary. According to the case published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, the vaccines were purchased from private clinics over a 29-month period. Researchers at the University of Erlangen-Nurember said the man in question did not experience any problems.

Dr. Kilian Schober from the Department of Microbiology said, "We learned about this case from newspaper reports. We then contacted him and told him that we would like to have him undergo some tests in Erlangen. He showed great interest." Blood and saliva samples were taken from the case, and experts also examined frozen blood samples that had been stored in recent years.


"At the time we conducted the study, at his insistence, the case was again given Covid vaccines. We then had the opportunity to use the samples to determine exactly how the immune system reacted to the vaccine."

The public prosecutor in the city of Magdeburg has collected evidence of the 130 vaccines the person in question received and launched a forgery investigation, but no charges have been brought. Covid vaccines cannot cause infection, but can teach the body how to fight disease.

Vaccines whose vector is Ribonucleic acid (mRNA) show body cells part of the virus' genetic code.

The immune system can then recognize the virus and know how to fight it when it actually encounters it.

Dr. Shober was worried that activating the immune system with so many vaccines could cause fatigue in certain cells.But the researchers found no such signs in the 62-year-old man. There were also no signs that he had Covid.

Experts emphasized that they were not encouraging over-vaccination and that the tests they conducted on the case were not enough to draw general conclusions.