First statement from Biden after his decision to withdraw from the candidacy! First statement from Biden after his decision to withdraw from the candidacy!

According to a statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to resume the Defense Policy Coordination Talks and the Military-Naval Consultation Agreement Talks.

It was noted that high-level communication between the militaries of the two countries will continue on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and that in addition to the dialog mechanisms, telephone conversations will also be held between the front commanders.

Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, which is in a sovereignty dispute with China, drew the reaction of China, which considers the island as part of its territory, and the Beijing administration announced the cancellation of the Defense Policy Coordination Talks between China and the US, the Defense Policy Coordination Talks and the Military Naval Consultation Agreement Talks and the Frontline Commanders' Talks.

China had also suspended 5 dialog mechanisms in different areas including illegal immigration, legal aid, cross-border crimes, anti-drug cooperation mechanisms and climate change talks.

Editor: John Wickey