According to a statement released yesterday by the US Treasury Department, the decision covers a Liberian company and three United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based firms that are said to be owned by Russia.
"Russia's top energy official has admitted that the coalition's price cap and our sanctions have led to the expansion of discounts on Russian oil and reduced the Kremlin's revenue for illegal warfare," said Brian Nelson, US Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, in a statement.
Nelson said the decision to impose sanctions against ships that violated the Russian oil price ceiling is a warning that measures against price violations will continue.
The ministry statement emphasized that the US is a member of the international coalition called the "price ceiling coalition", which includes the G7 countries, the European Union and Australia, which have decided to ban the import of crude oil and petroleum products originating from Russia.On the other hand, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control issued two new resolutions to implement the commitments of the G7 countries to ban the import of diamonds mined in Russia.
On September 10, 2022, the US Treasury Department published guidance on its plan to implement a price cap on Russian oil.
In the guidance, which provides guidance on the steps that the private sector should take towards the implementation of the ceiling price and the detection of smuggling, it was stated that those who purchase Russian crude oil at a price above the ceiling price and those who deliberately provide false documents may be subject to investigation for sanctions violations.
The guidance stated that the price ceiling will enter into force on December 5, 2022 for Russian crude oil and February 5, 2023 for refined products.