The UN Security Council discussed the situation in Sudan. UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo, who informed the member states here, stated that the parties in Sudan are not protecting civilians and that more than 14 thousand people have been killed so far.

DiCarlo stated that 25 million people in Sudan are in need of humanitarian aid and 8.6 million people have been displaced, and said, "The crisis in Sudan, which is completely man-made, is very large."

Pointing out that there are reports of sexual violence being used as a weapon of war, the parties recruiting children and resorting to torture, DiCarlo said that the parties are also ignoring calls for an end to the conflict.

DiCarlo warned that the conflict in El Fasher, Sudan, would lead to inter-communal conflict across Darfur and hamper humanitarian aid.

Stating that the region is already on the brink of famine, DiCarlo said that the parties are able to continue the war with external support, which violates the sanctions regime imposed by the Council.


Edem Wosornu, Director of the Operations and Defense Unit of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, warned that the conflict in El Fasher would endanger 800 thousand civilians.

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Noting that the risk of famine is increasing in Sudan, Wosornu said, "Parties need to take urgent steps to facilitate humanitarian assistance to prevent famine."

At the same time, Wosornu said, more international engagement is needed to protect civilians and ensure that the guns fall silent in Sudan.

Noting that the UN cannot do it alone, Wosornu said: "We need your help. It is time to act before it is too late. Millions of lives depend on us."


The power struggle between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (SDF), which staged a joint coup against the government formed with the participation of civilians after the overthrow of the 30-year rule of Omar al-Bashir by a popular uprising in Sudan, has been going on for a year.

In the war, which started in mid-April 2023 and continued in 10 of Sudan's 18 states, the army controlled the northern and eastern states, while the SDF managed to take control of the western and southern states.

The Jeddah talks mediated by Saudi Arabia and the United States, the Egyptian-led peace initiative of Sudan's neighbors, efforts by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in East Africa, and talks in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, to end the war have all failed.

According to the UN, more than 15,000 people have been killed, around 8.5 million people have been displaced and more than 25 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance as a result of the conflict in Sudan, the world's largest displacement and hunger crisis.

Editor: David Goodman