The 20-second video, which Trump said was shot in Long Island on Thursday, showed a photo of Biden in the back of a pickup truck with his hands and feet bound. 

"The photo was in the back of a pickup truck on the highway," NBC quoted Trump's 2024 campaign spokesman Steven Cheung as saying. 

Cheung also claimed that "Democrats and lunatics" are calling for violence against Trump and his family and using the judicial system as a weapon against him. 

Cheung also recalled that in 2018, Biden said, "If we were in high school, I would beat the hell out of Trump behind the gym."


Biden's campaign spokesman Michael Tyler reacted to the post, saying, "Trump regularly incites political violence and it's time for people to take it seriously. Just ask the Capitol Police officers who were attacked on January 6th while defending our democracy."  Both Biden and Trump won their parties' primaries to run in the 2024 elections.