The first episode of the 26-episode cartoon series titled "Qianqiu Shisong", produced by the China Media Group (CMG), which includes state television and radio, in cooperation with the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), was broadcast yesterday.

The cartoon series, produced with artificial intelligence from art design to animation and post-production processes, is the first of its kind in the country.

In a statement made on SAIL's WeChat account, a productive artificial intelligence model called "CMG Media GPT", trained with content from CMG's audio-visual archive, was used in the production of the movie.

In the animated series consisting of 26 episodes of 7 minutes with background stories of famous works of classical Chinese poetry, scenes from ancient times and the design and animation of the characters were created in accordance with the classical Chinese ink paintings of the period.

The production utilized tools similar to Sora, a text-to-video tool launched by OpenAI, a prolific US artificial intelligence developer.

It was noted that CMG Media GPT provides a low-cost and efficient animation procedure for character and scene design.