The demonstrators chanted "Against misogyny everywhere", "All of Berlin hates the AfD" and "All together against fascism" and carried banners reading "Silent approval", "Against Nazis", "Never again, now", "Choosing the far right is not an alternative" and "Nazis out".
Speeches during the demonstration called on the demonstrators not to be indifferent to the destruction of democracy by "enemies of the constitution".
The speeches also reacted against the government consisting of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and called on the members of the government to stop fighting among themselves and fight against the AfD and the far right.
Some of the demonstrators were seen carrying banners calling for the AfD to be shut down.
Stating that people are beginning to realize what kind of a far-right party the AfD is, Walter said, "There will be state elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia. People in Europe and the world need to see that this cannot happen (that it cannot come to power in Germany). We need to react from here."
Walter stated that there is also uneasiness in the country and said, "There is uneasiness right now because of the crises. Because of inflation, labor and refugee issues... People need to be enlightened on many issues. The biggest worry is the AfD, what kind of people they are and what kind of far-right structures have emerged in the background. This worries the majority and makes me angry."
A demonstrator named Brigitte Kasuba stated that she was worried about the elimination of democracy and said, "I have never had fears like I have now. We have become a colorful society. We have many achievements of democracy and now I see that they are definitely in danger. Human values are slipping. This gives me fear."
Stating that the large number of people participating in these protests shows that there are many people who think like him, Kasuba said, "There are not only 30 percent AfDers in the country, but there are others. I hope this will show itself in the elections and democratic parties will be voted for, not masked Nazis."
Berlin police reported that more than 60 thousand people participated in the demonstration.
Anti-far-right demonstrations were also organized in other cities across the country.
The demonstration in Munich was attended by 80,000 people, but the demonstration was not completed because the police stated that the safety of the participants could not be ensured due to the density.
Demonstrations against AfD and the far right were attended by 70 thousand people in Cologne, 45 thousand in Bremen and 12 thousand in Saarbrücken.
In November 2023, it was revealed that AfD politicians and some members of the Christian Democratic Party had secretly discussed a plan to forcibly deport millions of foreigners from Germany in Postdam, Germany.
Martin Sellner, the former leader of the far-right "Identitarian Movement" in Austria, was also present at the meeting, which reportedly discussed a plan to deport asylum seekers, foreigners with the right to stay in the country and German citizens who do not embrace European culture.
Following the revelation of the secret meeting, discussions on the closure of the AfD started in the country, and the public has recently taken to the streets to show their reaction to the far right and the AfD.