Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was released on Wednesday after four days of questioning over allegations that the messaging platform was used for illegal activities.

The Russian-born tech entrepreneur had been referred to the Paris courthouse for a possible indictment early Wednesday afternoon, French media reported, citing a source close to the case.

The investigating judge “ended police custody” of Pavel Durov and he will be tried without arrest, the Paris prosecutor's office said in a statement.

Durov was detained on Saturday at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris as part of a judicial investigation opened last month into 12 alleged criminal violations.

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The allegations include claims that his platform was used for the sale of child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking, fraud, abetting organized crime and that Telegram refused to share information or documents with investigators when required by law.

The flight risk of Durov, who holds multiple citizenships, was seen as a factor that judges should include in their assessment of his detention.

Editor: John Wickey