It was announced that there was a shooting at a high school in the state of Iowa in the United States of America (USA). 

In the incident, which took place on the first day of school after the holidays in the region, a health official stated that injured people were arriving at the hospital, but did not share information about the number of dead or injured. 

In his first press conference, the Dallas County Sheriff said there were very few students and school administrators inside the building because the high school had not yet opened its doors. The security officer said the attacker had been identified, but gave no further details.

However, eyewitnesses said that two students and a school administrator were wounded in the attack and that one of the wounded is still in life-threatening condition. It was also stated that the attacker is believed to be a student who shot himself with his gun after the incident. 

The shooting at the high school occurred on January 15, days before the Iowa caucuses that will determine the Republican nominee in the primaries for the 2024 presidential election.