A team from South Korea has broken new ground with a new generation of sodium batteries that are both cheaper and safer than traditional lithium-ion batteries found in smartphones and electric cars. Sodium, which is 500 times more abundant in nature than lithium, also has greater charging and efficiency potential than its lithium-ion counterpart. Until now, sodium-ion batteries have faced limitations, including long charging times and a lack of storage capacity, which have hindered their worldwide adoption.


Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have overcome these problems by developing a high-energy, high-power sodium-ion battery capable of fast charging.

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The new battery exceeds the energy density of commercial lithium-ion batteries and can be used in both electric vehicles and consumer electronics.

"This hybrid sodium-ion energy battery can charge quickly and reach an energy density of 247 Wh/kg and power density of 34,748 W/kg," said Professor Jeung Ku Kang from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST.


Newly manufactured batteries represent a major breakthrough in overcoming the current limitations of energy storage systems. The batteries are predicted to have wider applications in a variety of electronic devices.

The breakthrough comes just weeks after a team in Japan discovered a new process for mass producing solid-state sodium batteries.

The new technology could eliminate range anxiety by significantly increasing the charging capacity of electric car batteries and more than doubling the range of existing electric vehicles.

Editor: David Goodman