The United Nations (UN) Security Council held a meeting to vote on a draft resolution calling on member states to conduct space programs in accordance with international law and to contribute to the peaceful use of space to prevent an arms race.

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Russia and China requested an amendment to the resolution on the peaceful uses of outer space, submitted by the United States and Japan and supported by Turkey, to "prohibit the placement of all weapons in space, not just nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction", but the request was rejected for lack of a quorum.


In the final vote on the draft, Russia used its "veto" while China "abstained". 13 members voted "in favor". Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia said that the scope of the draft resolution was "limited and political" and that it did not reflect the views of all states, adding that no weapons should be placed in space.

Nebenzia emphasized that this was the reason for the request for amendments and the veto. US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield reminded that Russia has clearly stated that it has no intention of placing nuclear weapons in space and asked, "If you follow the rules, why don't you support a resolution confirming them? What could you be hiding?" Nebenzia replied, "We want to ban the placement of any weapons in space, not just weapons of mass destruction. But you don't want that. Let me ask you the same question. Why?" he said.


The 15-member UN Security Council includes the US, China, the UK, France, Russia and the United Kingdom as permanent members. Permanent members have veto power in the council. The 10 temporary members are elected for a two-year term.

Editor: David Goodman