Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) announced he's cosponsoring the motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson.

France just had a shock election. What happened, and what comes next? France just had a shock election. What happened, and what comes next?

Massie is joining Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), in her plans to oust the Republican from Louisiana.

Massie told reporters Tuesday that he told Johnson to resign during their conference meeting.

"There's only one person right now who can stop us from going into what happened last fall and that's Mike Johnson. He's cleaning the barn. That's obvious," said Massie.

Johnson has been under scrutiny after taking over the gavel. Some Republicans have criticized his handling of an array of policy issues.

The two lawmakers are demanding Johnson to announce his resignation.

Johnson said Tuesday he will not resign amid pressure.

"I am not resigning. And it is in my view an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs. It is not helpful to the cause. It is not helpful to the country. It does not help the House Republicans advance our agenda which is in the best interest of the American people here. A secure border. Sound governance. And it's not helpful to the unity that we have in the body," said Johnson.

Massie said confidently he believes the motion will get called and Johnson would lose more votes than Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca.).

Editor: Albert Owen