Peruvian President Dina Boluarte testified to the National Prosecutor's Office for the first time since June 7 for her role in the disproportionate use of force during anti-government demonstrations in which 77 people lost their lives.

Boluarte arrived at the prosecutor's office under heavy police security and reportedly testified for 1.5 hours.

Boluarte's lawyer Joseph Campos told reporters that the investigation should be closed and that his client had no direct involvement in the events.

Campos argued that it was "absurd" to question the President's legal responsibility, adding, "Out of respect for the victims, we want this process to be closed. They need something strange, instead there should be a safe and objective investigation."

"We hope that at the end of the term our request will be fulfilled, legally there is no basis for this situation, but we respect it," Campos said, adding that they have requested that the President be excluded from the investigation.

Referring to the anti-government protests, Campos said that President Boluarte only asked for public order and respect for fundamental rights.

The prosecutor's office, which launched an investigation following the deaths of many people in anti-government protests, decided to take Boluarte's testimony on May 31 for his alleged role in the disproportionate use of force.


According to different sources in the country, 77 people lost their lives in the protests that lasted for weeks.

The prosecutor's office announced on January 10 that an investigation had been launched into the deaths during the protests.

According to human rights organizations in the country, 50 people were claimed to have died as a direct result of the intervention of security forces.

Demonstrators demanded the resignation of President Boluarte, the dissolution of Congress and the immediate organization of early elections.

The protests in Peru began after former President Pedro Castillo was impeached by Congress on December 7, 2022.