The Tiger Roars Again: Woods Poised to Lead US Charge at Ryder Cup The Tiger Roars Again: Woods Poised to Lead US Charge at Ryder Cup

Charles Cliff posted a comparison of the Instagram followers of Clark and Biles. Clark boasts of about 2.1 million IG followers whereas Biles has a staggering 7 million followers. It was okay until here, but it was the last two-worded sentence that irked Jason Whitlock off. “Facts Matter,” Cliff wrote beside the comparison.

Whitlock jumped to correct him. “Those aren’t facts. They’re IG follower counts. Social media is a stage for people to virtue signal and pretend and for the puppet masters to promote narratives,” Whitlock stated as a matter-of-fact. However, it was his following words that left fans shell-shocked. “Biles plays the role of victim. She gets a lot of support from the establishment for playing that role,” Whitlock said about Biles. Stay tuned for more updates.

Editor: Albert Owen