Arguments Against Monarchy:

Non-democracy: The monarchical system does not give the people the right to choose their leaders. The throne is inherited through blood ties and has nothing to do with merit or popular will.
Expense: The royal family's lifestyle and official duties require significant funding from British taxes. This situation is seen by many as unfair and unjust.
Scandals: The royal family has been involved in various scandals over the years. These scandals damaged the reputation of the royal family and created public distrust.
Incompatibility with Modern Society: In modern societies, values such as equality and merit come to the fore. The monarchical system represents a privileged system that contradicts these values.

Arguments in Defense of Monarchy:

Continuity of Tradition: The monarchy is seen as an important part of the historical and cultural identity of the United Kingdom. The presence of the royal family is considered an important symbol for a sense of national unity and pride.
Political Stability: The monarchical system offers long-term stability and continuity beyond political parties and leaders.
Tourism and Economy: The royal family provides a major tourist attraction to the United Kingdom. The presence of the royal family also contributes to the country's economy.


The future of the monarchy depends on what the British people decide. The arguments listed above show that both sides have valid reasons. Change is not always easy, but the end of the monarchy could transform the UK into a more modern and democratic country.