Cyrus, who rose to stardom with her portrayal of the character in the Disney Channel series "Hannah Montana", was 13 years old when the series aired in 2006.
"I'm still proud to be Hannah Montana, and in many ways this award is dedicated to Hannah and all of her loyal fans and everyone who made my dream a reality," the actress said as she took the stage to accept her award at the D23 fan fair, which was attended by 12,000 people.
"I had a taste of what my life could be like on the show and from that moment on I wanted nothing else," the actress said.
Cyrus was among 14 artists honored as Disney Legends this year
Angela Bassett, Jamie Lee Curtis, James L. Brooks, James Cameron, James Cameron, Harrison Ford, Frank Oz, Kelly Ripa, Oscar-winning composer John Williams, Disney costumer Colleen Atwood.
The actress won her first Grammy award for the song "Flowers" and the song stayed at the top of the music charts for 10 weeks.
The young girl her friends only know as "Miley" is actually a world-famous star named Hannah Montana. Keeping her identity a secret, Miley tries to balance between her two different lives.