Fast uses the methane gas in fart gas to light a barbecue. Fast passes the fart gas through a pipe under the barbecue to light it. Fast usually uses a barbecue to demonstrate this skill. He places the barbecue inside the grill and lights it with fart gas.

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Fast has demonstrated his ability to light a barbecue with farts in various competitions and won many awards. Fast wants to enter the Guinness Book of Records with this skill.

Fast's ability to light a barbecue with a fart attracted great attention on social media. Fast's video was watched millions of times in a short time.

Fast says his ability to light a barbecue with a fart is a way to attract attention. "I use my talent to get people's attention and offer them something fun," Fast says.

Fast continues to develop his ability to light a barbecue with a fart. In the future, Fast aims to further develop this skill and enter the Guinness Book of World Records.

Fast hopes that his ability to light a barbecue with a fart will help people realize the potential of fart gas. "Fart gas can actually be a very valuable resource," says Fast. "We could use it to generate electricity, produce fuel and even cook food."

Editor: Albert Owen