Ukrainian intelligence has published a remarkable report on Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov...

Kadyrov, who has become one of the most trusted figures of Russian President Vladimir Putin as the Russia-Ukraine war continues, has allegedly deteriorated his health condition. The report stated that Kadyrov had fallen into a coma and had kidney problems.

It was noted that Kadyrov was rushed from Moscow to Chechnya, where he was being treated, and it was explained that his illness was constantly recurring. Ukrainian intelligence spokesman Andrey Yusov said, "There is information that Kadyrov's health condition is very serious. He has had a relapse for several days and is in a serious condition."

Noting that Kadyrov has had some health problems in recent months, experts emphasized that Kadyrov has rapidly gained weight and his face has swollen. In March, it was also claimed that Kadyrov had fallen ill and was being treated by doctors from the United Arab Emirates.

Kadyrov had sold Chechen fighters fighting for independence from Russia to Russian intelligence. As a reward, the traitor Kadyrov became the leader of Chechnya province.