Dr. Kevin O'Connor wrote that the president is adapting well to a new device that helps control sleep apnea and has some hip discomfort but also exercises five times a week.

"President Biden is a healthy, active, strong, and fit 81-year-old man capable of successfully performing the duties of the presidency," O'Connor wrote in a six-page note on the president's health after his more than two-and-a-half-hour examination at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Still, voters are skeptical about Biden's age, gaffes, coughing, slow walking and even falling off his bicycle.

Biden, the oldest president in US history, will be 86 at the end of his second term if he wins. 

Biden's likely rival, former President Donald Trump, was 70 when he took office in 2017, making him the oldest American president to take office. Biden, on the other hand, took Trump's record by taking office in 2021 at the age of 78.

After returning to the White House on Wednesday, Biden attended an event on fighting crime, stating that "everything is fine" when it comes to his health and "nothing different from last year."

Biden's arrested gait is no worse than last year and is the result of arthritic changes in his spine, O'Connor said in her report, emphasizing that the president also noted "some increase in discomfort in the left hip."