Pentagon Spokesperson Brigadier General Patrick Ryder, in his daily press conference, claimed that Abu Taqwa al-Saidi was actively planning and directing attacks against US military personnel in the region.

Ryder stated that al-Saidi was considered a threat to the security of US troops in Iraq and Syria, and that another one of his aides was killed in the relevant US airstrike.

"We always reserve the right to self-defense and take the necessary measures to protect our personnel," Ryder said, declining to comment on the details of the attack and whether the Iraqi government was informed beforehand.

In a written statement released yesterday by the "Hashd al-Shaabi Baghdad Generation", it was announced that Deputy Commander Abu Taqwa al-Saidi was killed in a US attack in Baghdad.

Local media also reported that the Hashd al-Shaabi Logistics Department in Baghdad was subjected to an airstrike and there were wounded.

General Yahya Rasul, the Military Spokesperson of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, stated in a written statement on the issue that the attack on Hashd al-Shabi, which works with the official permission granted by the Prime Minister, "has no justification".

Rasul described the attack as "almost an act of terrorism" and noted that this incident undermined all agreements between the Iraqi Armed Forces and the US-led international coalition forces, which they held responsible for the attack.