In a statement made by the Colombian Foreign Ministry, it was stated that Milei used "unacceptable" statements about President Petro and announced that all Argentine diplomats would be expelled.

Reminding that President Petro was democratically elected as a result of the "free will" of the Colombian people, the statement said, "The Argentine President's statements have damaged the trust of our nation and dishonored the democratically elected President Petro."


In an interview with CNN, Milei said of Petro, "Not much can be expected from someone who is a murderous terrorist."

According to local media reports, Colombia will communicate the Foreign Ministry's expulsion decision to the Argentine Embassy through diplomatic channels.


Argentine President Milei's harsh statements against "socialist and communist" politicians during the election campaign in his country were compared to "Hitler's words" by Petro.

Making a statement after Milei won the second round of the presidential election on November 19, 2023, Petro described the result as "sad".

Petro's comparison of Milei to Argentina's former dictator Jorge Videla and Chile's former military dictator Augusto Pinochet had also caused tension between the two.

Colombia summoned its ambassador to Buenos Aires on January 27 for "consultations" after Argentine President Milei called President Petro "a murderous communist who ruined Colombia".