The PKK is a terrorist organization that has been waging an armed struggle in Turkey for many years. It has killed many innocent people and caused great damage to Turkey. The PKK is a threat not only to Turkey but to the whole world.

Kurds living in Japan are divided into two groups. One group lives their lives peacefully, while the other group supports the PKK. The group that supports the PKK organizes various protests in Japan and this situation disturbs the Japanese people.

The Japanese government considers the PKK a terrorist organization and bans its activities. The government has announced that it will continue the fight against the PKK with determination.

Turks living in Japan are also concerned about the PKK's activities. Turks are demanding that the Japanese government expel the PKK and its supporters.

The PKK's presence in Japan is unacceptable. This terrorist organization threatens Japan's peace and security. The Japanese government should take the necessary steps against the PKK and ensure that this organization is eliminated from the country.

In my column, I discussed the PKK's activities in Japan and the reactions this situation has caused. I expressed the concerns and demands of the Japanese people. I hope that the Japanese government will take the necessary steps against the PKK and ensure that this organization is cleared from the country.