Telegram is enabling a "view once" option as part of its January feature. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that it will literally upgrade it. Because Telegram launched the first step of this feature in September 2023. At first, Telegram evaluated the view-once option only for photos and videos.
So how will users benefit from this feature? Users simply press the microphone icon to start recording. Then they need to tap the "view once" icon and pull it up to allow the recipient to hear the voice message or look at the video message only once.
In addition, Telegram is also rolling out the ability to pause and resume recording of audio and video messages through the same menu. In one-on-one chats, Telegram is also adding a way for the other person to see that they've read your message. Of course, if you want to keep the read receipt private, you can turn off this feature in the settings.