Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was sentenced to one year of house arrest for illegal financing of the presidential election he lost in 2012.

Sarkozy, who was found guilty of providing illegal financing for the presidential election he lost in 2012, was sentenced to one year of house arrest and to be monitored with electronic handcuffs in the trial that has been ongoing since May 20 at the Paris Judicial Court.

The court ruled that Sarkozy, who did not attend the hearing, knew the legal limit for the election campaign and that he had exceeded it, and determined that his campaign spending exceeded the legal limit by 16 million 247 thousand 509 euros.

This legal limit was reportedly exceeded at the 18th rally held on March 31, 2012. Thirteen others charged in the same case with Sarkozy were also found guilty.

Sarkozy, who served as president between 2007 and 2012, denied the accusations in his testimony to the court in June.

It was stated that Sarkozy had tried to cover up the fact that his election campaign had exceeded the legal limit of 22.5 million euros by passing off election spending as party activity.

Sarkozy was accused of receiving false invoices from Bygmalion, the company that ran his publicity and public relations campaign, and the company was accused of issuing false invoices to hide Sarkozy's expenses.

On March 1, Sarkozy was sentenced to 3 years in prison, with 2 years suspended, in the "wiretapping" case in which he was accused of corruption.