The photo was taken in London, not Florence 

When we do a reverse image search on Google with the photo, we reach an article in Smithsonian Mag. In the article about the history of motorized scooters, a claim image is also used. It is stated that the image is Lady Florence Norman going to her work in London in 1916.

It is stated that Norman, who belonged to the Suffragette movement that fought for women to vote in England, used a motorized scooter named Autoped on her way to work in London.

It is estimated that the gasoline-powered Autoped, which was a birthday present from her MP and journalist husband Sir Henry Norman, was one of the first motorized scooters to arrive in the UK. 

In the description of the photograph in Smithsonian Mag, there is a note "Paul Thompson/FPG/Achive Photos". Through this information, we can access the source of the photo on the stock photo site Getty Images.

In the photo description, it is stated that Lady Norman used the motorized scooter, a gift from her husband, on her way to the offices she supervised in London. Thus, we have confirmed that the photo was taken in London, not in Florence as claimed. 

Autoped, which runs on gasoline, has a 155 cc, four-stroke engine

US Arthur Hugo Cecil Gibson children's wooden scooter 
model, he designs the gasoline-powered Autoped in 1915. Although some sources state that Autoped was designed in 1913, it is recorded in the records that the patent application was filed in 1916.Kupur 1

In his patent application, Gibson states that Autoped is a light, small, compact, fast-moving and relatively economical vehicle compared to the load it will carry. 

The vehicle, which reaches a speed of 30 kilometers/hour and travels 80 kilometers with a full tank, has a 155 cc four-stroke engine.

At a time when public transportation was limited and the wealthy could afford to own a car, the motor scooter was seen by the public as a practical and economical alternative for urban transportation and was also preferred by couriers, postmen and police officers. 

Motorized scooters produced in the USA were exported to Europe

Produced from 1915 to 1922 by the "Autoped Company" in Long Island City, New York, Autoped is met with great interest when it arrives in Europe. Autoped is known to be a commercial success both in the US and Europe. 

On January 10, 1917, a British newspaper announces the presentation of the Autoped at Hyde Park in London and details the working principle of the gasoline-powered vehicle.Kupur 2

Another newspaper article in the Online Bicycle Museum states that Autoped's handlebars fold down, making it advantageous for carrying and parking.

European production of the Autoped begins when the German company Krupp licenses and produces the design. In France, it enters the Larousse dictionary in 1918 under the name Autopède.

However, with the introduction of affordable cars in the 1940s, Autoped's popularity declines.

The scooter re-emerged in the 1990s and started to become widespread in the 2000s due to the emergence of electric versions and ease of use. Today, scooter rental services are available in many cities in Turkey and around the world.Abd Muze