Colombian President Gustavo Petro suspended the ceasefire with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) faction Estado Mayor Central (EMC) for violating the agreement by attacking indigenous people. In a post on social media platform X, Petro stated that the EMC violated the ceasefire and used the peace talks as a cover to strengthen themselves militarily.

After indigenous leaders in the Cauca administrative region reported that at least three people were shot and one was forcibly detained in an attack by the armed group on March 16, the government announced that military operations against the EMC, known as the umbrella organization of the FARC, would resume from March 20.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro suspended the ceasefire with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) faction Estado Mayor Central (EMC) for violating the agreement by attacking indigenous people. In a post on social media platform X, Petro stated that the EMC violated the ceasefire and used the peace talks as a cover to strengthen themselves militarily.

The government announced the resumption of military operations against the EMC, known as the umbrella organization of the FARC, from March 20, after indigenous leaders in the Cauca administrative region reported that at least three people were shot and one forcibly detained in an attack by the armed group on March 16.


The EMC, led by Nestor Gregorio Vera, known as "Ivan Mordizco" and never participated in the peace agreement, is also known as the so-called "General Staff" of the FARC. According to the country's press, the EMC, which has more than 3,500 members, 2,180 of whom are armed, has a presence in Venezuela and Ecuador, as well as in the west, center and east of Colombia, providing financing through illegal means such as drugs, smuggling and extortion.

Following peace talks with the group that began in September 2023, the 3-month ceasefire reached on October 16, 2023 was extended for another 6 months on January 16. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Londono signed the peace agreement that ended 53 years of conflict with the FARC on November 24, 2016 at the historic Colon Theater in the capital Bogota.

The left-wing Gustavo Petro, who won the presidential election in Colombia and took office on August 7, 2022, promised to implement the 2016 Peace Agreement with the FARC and hold peace talks with the National Liberation Army (ELN) when he came to power.