Europa, the second closest moon of Jupiter, is of great importance in the search for extraterrestrial life. According to experts' estimates and the discoveries made so far, there is a possibility of water under the surface. Therefore, it is thought to be able to support life.

Microsoft made a statement about the affected devices! Microsoft made a statement about the affected devices!

NASA will soon launch a mission to Europa. Yesterday, the agency unveiled the probe to be used in this mission. Details of the mission were also shared.

NASA's $5 billion space probe is currently being developed at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, USA. Researchers are trying to ensure that the vehicle is free of contaminants to avoid any problems on its journey to Europa.

The mission, which bears the same name as "Clipper", will begin on October 10 next year, barring any setbacks. The vehicle will be launched by Space X's Falcon Heavy rocket. The probe's journey will take five and a half years. In 2030, it is expected to reach its destination. By 2031, it will enter the orbit of Jupiter and its moons and begin its work.

Once on Europa, Clipper will use its instruments to study the formation of the moon. The main focus of these investigations will be to understand whether there is water under the ice on the surface. It should be noted that NASA's main goal is to find conditions that support life, not to find life forms.

Editor: David Goodman