ChatGPT will now be able to provide up-to-date answers. Starting today, 'premium' members of the popular AI will be able to get real-time answers to their questions. It is stated that Google's Bard artificial intelligence was also effective in OpenAI's decision regarding the artificial intelligence chatbot. Bard was connected to the internet and could provide up-to-date answers. So what does this mean?


ChatGPT, which is connected to the internet and can now provide up-to-date answers, can now be used to get answers to current questions and even follow the news. When we asked if the chatbot has access to up-to-date data for the free GPT-3.5 version, it still responded "Sorry, my cut-off date is September 2021 and I don't have access to updates after that date".

The ability to respond to current questions will soon be available to all users.


"Without this feature, people would have to go to Google or Twitter to get the latest information," said Prof. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor of business psychology at University College London, according to the BBC. Now we can treat ChatGPT as an up-to-date news source."

However, Chamorro-Premuzic points out that using these AI robots as news sources has its risks as well as its benefits:

"It's good if it provides quick answers to questions you need urgent answers to, but it can be misleading if it provides information without citing sources."


There were a number of different reasons why ChatGPT had not previously provided up-to-date, real-time information. One of them was cost. Each call is known to cost OpenAI a few cents (one hundredth of a dollar).

The other was that there were 'security' concerns. er limited access provided the company with a safety net. That is, its access was limited to data up to September 2021, preventing ChatGPT from using malicious or illegal data that had just been uploaded to the internet and had not yet been removed.

OpenAI explains the reason for ChatGP taking so long to access up-to-date data as follows:

The language models are time-consuming and resource-intensive to program, the use of real-time data can lead to inaccuracies, and the use of real-time data raises privacy and ethical concerns, particularly with respect to the use of copyrighted content.