Tesla, the world's most popular electric car manufacturer, produced 433 thousand 371 vehicles in the first quarter. While the number of vehicles delivered by Tesla in the first quarter of this year was 386 thousand 810, this figure was well below the market expectations of around 450 thousand. In the same period last year, 422 thousand 875 vehicles were delivered.

Thus, it was announced that the number of vehicles delivered by Tesla decreased by 8.5 percent for the first time since 2020.


Tesla wants to compensate for the blows it has received from falling sales and price cuts by laying off more than 10 percent of its global workforce. This means more than 13 thousand employees. According to information received, the company plans to lay off more people.

The company led by Elon Musk is starting a new wave of layoffs. According to reports, the company will lay off hundreds of people, including senior managers and the majority of the Supercharger team. It was stated that the new wave of layoffs at Tesla was revealed in the internal e-mail that CEO Elon Musk sent to employees a while ago.

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In his e-mail, Musk stated that he wanted Tesla to be absolutely strict about cuts and that staff working under managers who did not perform adequately would also be unemployed.

Editor: Albert Owen