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Google, which has recently accelerated its steps in artificial intelligence, was also trying to bring innovations to the Chrome browser, which is very popular among users. For example, we saw a few weeks ago that it was planning to bring Gemini to Chrome's address bar.

Now, there has been a development regarding the address bar again. Google officially announced that it has added machine learning models to the address bar. The feature was introduced to users with the latest Chrome version (M124).

This artificial intelligence feature added to the address bar aims to improve the user experience by taking the tool to the next level. According to Google's statement, thanks to machine learning models, the bar can now make more accurate and relevant web page recommendations. Thus, the user can find what he is looking for much more easily.

The company stated that the address bar tool was based on formulas that were previously created and adjusted manually, and that these were not flexible enough to be developed and adapted to different situations. New machine learning models will eliminate the problem. Considering that we have not seen major changes in this structure of the address bar for a long time, we can understand that the update is very important.

Let's also talk about how the models work. It will be able to look at the time since you last visited a web page before recommending it to you. For example, it will not show you a page you left within a few seconds or minutes and will determine that URL as low relevance. In other words, since you leave in a short time, it will infer that that page is probably not the site you are looking for.

Editor: Albert Owen