Decisions taken by the European Union (EU) will open up Apple services to competitors.

The European Union is forcing technology companies to comply with certain standards with the laws it has been working on recently.

In fact, as a result of this push, with the iPhone 15, Apple phones switched to USB-C ports for the first time. However, the EU says that Apple products have to be opened to competitors.

Thierry Breton, the European Commission's Internal Market Director Thierry Breton recently met with Apple CEO Tim Cook and urged the tech giant to comply with new EU rules. He said the Digital Markets Act requires apps on the iPhone to open their doors to competitors.

As you know, Apple offers Apple Pay and Safari browser apps on its own devices. This undermines competition on iOS, giving Apple a monopoly. But the latest EU law requires digital services to be open to competition.

Currently, Apple controls the apps installed on iPhones. It also takes a 30 percent commission on in-app services and subscriptions purchased from the App Store. This "closed garden" approach excludes alternative payment options.

Breton argued that EU regulations have the potential to "encourage innovation without compromising security and privacy". Apple rejects this approach, saying app controls are necessary for security.

The EU aims to increase competition and provide more choice for a more open iPhone ecosystem. However, it is unclear how Apple will respond to the EU's demands.