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According to the statistics of the British Meteorological Office (Met Office), with an average temperature of 15.2 degrees across the country, the hottest September has been recorded since records began in 1884.

The 16.7 degrees recorded in England this September surpassed the previous record of 16.5 degrees recorded in September 2006. The 15.6 degrees recorded in Wales in September surpassed the 15.2 degrees recorded in September 2006.


Northern Ireland recorded an average temperature of 14.2 degrees, the highest ever recorded in the region.

With an average temperature of 12.8 degrees in Scotland, it was the third warmest September on record. Considering the average temperature in September, 2021 and 2006 were warmer in the region.

In addition to the increase in temperatures across the country, it was also recorded as a wetter month than average. The UK saw about a third more rainfall than average during September.


Mark McCarthy, one of the Met Office officials, stated that this September's temperature records were largely due to the hot first half of the month.

McCarthy made the following assessments:

"Not only did September have the hottest day of the year, which has only happened four times before in our observations, but it also had seven consecutive days with temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius anywhere in the UK. This has never happened before in this month in Met Office observations."


In a statement from the Met Office, it was emphasized that the average September temperature in the UK of 15.2 degrees, as seen this year, is "almost impossible without human-induced climate change".

Editor: Albert Owen